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Building a foundation against malpractice claims

The medical field is an extremely important industry for many reasons. It is an honorable profession aimed at helping others, often when they need it most. It is a highly sensitive industry in which patients are both exposed and vulnerable. This can lead to heightened emotions and challenges beyond the scope of medical care.

All claims are serious

When a patient makes a claim of professional malpractice, it has the potential to put that license and more at risk.

While there are definitely cases of professional negligence, there are also many patient misunderstandings that lead to unnecessary stress, licensing questions and professional damage. Professional reputation is essential to success, and a single claim of malpractice can change everything.

Licensing is overtaxed right now, putting stress on an already overburdened system.

Diligence and consistency

Broadly summarized, medical malpractice lawsuits are built on the idea of professional negligence. While any unhappy former patient may file a complaint, it is possible to minimize how often this happens, as well as to defend oneself.

The fact is that nobody wants a lawsuit: neither the patient nor the medical professional. Establishing a clear standard of care can limit potential damages by preventing allegations of malpractice.

A doctor, nurse or other professional can protect their patients’ health, their own reputations, and avoid malpractice claims by following core best practices:

  • Follow established standards and avoid shortcuts.
  • Eliminate potential bias.
  • Diagnose issues, while also eliminating worst-case scenarios.
  • Emphasize clear communication with patients.
  • Personally review charts, testing and lab results.

The truth prevails

Avoidance is always the best solution to a problem, but prevention is not always certain. A prompt and careful response is essential to any claim of medical malpractice. Detailed note keeping, predetermined standards, precise quality control, strong communication and a dedication to one’s patients will establish a strong defense if needed.


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