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4 mistakes to avoid when handling a discrimination complaint

On Behalf of | Jul 18, 2023 | Employment Law

You may have done your best to create a safe workplace, but one of your employees may be discriminated against by colleagues/seniors. And this can create a hostile work environment for them. 

When you receive a discrimination complaint from such an employee, you should handle it effectively

Here are four mistakes to avoid when doing this:

Not obtaining more information

When you receive a discrimination complaint, you should obtain more information about the case. Write notes, talk to the other party and witnesses, collect video footage and so on. This lets them know you are taking the complaint seriously.

Not updating the employee

Of course, investigations can take longer. You may need to review several videos or witness statements to make the appropriate decision. Nonetheless, you should update the employee. Let them know investigations are ongoing lest they feel like you ignored their complaint.

Having a complicated reporting system

It can be stressful for an employee to go through different offices or complete numerous forms to make a discrimination complaint. Besides, it can take time before the matter is resolved. Consider having a simple reporting system to solve issues as soon as possible.

Not considering the complaint as one of many

While you may want to view your workplace as safe, one complaint may be evidence of a widespread discrimination issue. Thus, after solving the current case, reassess your policies and procedures that may be contributing to discrimination. It will also help to encourage employees to report anything that makes them uncomfortable. 

The above-discussed tips can guide you when handling discrimination complaints. However, if an employee disagrees with your solution or the case is against you, it will help to get legal guidance to understand the steps to take.   



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