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Tarantino Law Firm’s response to current COVID-19 situation

On Behalf of | Mar 21, 2020 | Business Law

To our valued clientele:

As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve and impact our lives and communities, we are committed to continuing to provide our clients with the legal representation they have come to expect from us! At the same time, we are also cognizant of our responsibility to our employees and the community at large. We have therefore taken active measures to stop the spread of COVID-19, while continuing to meet our clients’ legal and business needs.

We have long had the technology that allows our attorneys and support staff to work remotely. During this unprecedented time, that will allow us to continue to deliver exceptional legal services to and for our clients. Beginning yesterday, I recommended to our attorney and support staffs that they begin to work from home, in keeping with recommendations from the state and federal governments.

We are fully operational and will remain so throughout this period of uncertainty. We will try to operate as normally as possible during these trying times. However, as we will practically have no one in our office for the time being, our telephone will be handled by our receptionist remotely. Presently, when a call comes into the office, the caller will be given the choice of transferring to the direct line for each attorney or support staff member or alternatively, to leave a voicemail message.

Our receptionist will be checking for office voicemails at thirty-minute intervals and will forward same to the intended recipient immediately thereafter. We will try to return all calls on the same day they are received, if possible. As the office voicemail will be continually monitored during business hours, I would suggest that you leave any message there, if possible. Alternatively, if you prefer to talk to or leave a message for one of our attorneys directly, you may do so by choosing the option for transferring to their direct line. As a word of caution, the direct lines will not be checked as frequently as the general office voicemail.

I should also add that each of our attorneys has the capability to receive and respond to emails through their respective smart phones and remote computers. As most of our communications with you are by email, please feel free to continue to communicate with us in that fashion!

Both federal and state courts have issued orders eliminating “non-essential” court appearances. This includes all conferences and trials. We are monitoring this situation and will keep up-to-date regarding any changes. It is our “unofficial” understanding that these measures will remain in effect for a minimum of 45 days, after which time the situation will be reassessed.

As this situation continues to evolve, we will make sure you are kept informed. Our relationship with you, both business and personal, is extraordinarily important to us. On behalf of all of us at The Tarantino Law Firm, we sincerely hope that you and your families remain safe! Please keep in your thoughts not only those whose health is endangered by this pandemic, but also the brave medical professionals who are and will be at risk for the foreseeable future, as they fight to save lives!

If you require immediate assistance, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Thank you!

Brian Weidner,

Managing Partner

The Tarantino Law Firm


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